Cleaning carpets and rugs and furnishings in place using Kirby

automatic cleaning
* For the first time in Egypt *
Alantryhat cleaning and saloons
Hand cleaning apparatus without a bucket and sponge
Semiautomatic cleaning (the traditional way)
Dust Suction by kirby
Manual cleaning
Water suction machine that drained
A section for cleaning
Washing carpets and rugs Mobile deep suction Unit Multi cleaning units Portable laundry unit Polishing , sanding , obvious and massage unit Hard floor care unit

Contact Us

Head Office:

79 through Maryotia - before the village Filfila - Pyramid
Phone: (02) 35951111 - 35951110 - 35951109
Mobile: 01001529033 - 01145655554 - 01207751515

Heliopolis Branch:

7 Mohamed Rashid Rida - the field of seven buildings
Phone: 0224171055
Mobile: 01001529033